Fear-Facing Leadership.



We've all heard the saying, "feel the fear and do it anyway".

For us leaders who make it our mission to be best we can be - in business, in life, in our family dynamic - "doing it anyway" becomes a non-negotiable.

Because we know that we can only help others expand, as much as we have expanded within ourselves; and for expansion to occur, growing and evolving through fear, uncertainty and change is the bittersweet commitment.

It is in that very process - the "oh shit, I'm scared but I'm doing this" process - that we learn the truth of who we are and we realise the capabilities and potentialities that reside within us.

So, what is this concept of fear-facing leadership?

Fear-facing leadership is about truly understanding the powerful role fear plays. It's the realisation and acceptance that fear is designed to activate a deeper sense of self, and it's doing it through highlighting the limiting beliefs and the subconscious barriers we need to smash through.

Fear-facing leadership is the commitment to walk with fear and allowing it to show us the truth within and the pathway forward - even when we're shitting ourselves. It's the belief that we are growing when we face fear and this is what's allowing us to uncover more of the truth of who we are.

What is the truth of who we are?

Well, from a spiritual perspective, we are powered by divine energy. The truth of who we are is limitless, expansive and infinite power.

From a human perspective, our ego becomes a barrier to this power, and that barrier is made up of all the thoughts that become fears.

To expand within and activate our inner power in order to serve others better, a commitment to learning about ourselves and the world we live in must be a non-negotiable – that includes spending time alone, reading, doing courses, attending seminars, hiring coaches and exploring new environments.

When we’re in tune with our inner power and have developed a strong sense of self-awareness, we can distinguish between what’s true and what’s just plain BS – we don’t waste so much time on beliefs that aren’t true, and we take full responsibility for who we are, so we grow through our fears and tap into our divine energy.

Three ways to learn the truth of who we are

  1. Set big fucking goals - do not settle for small-town dreams - go for gold, and set the goals that shatter the glass ceiling. When we have so much on the line, we will unleash a part of ourselves that our mind didn't even know existed. When we set a goal that stretches us beyond the repetitive zone we've been playing in, it challenges us to grow and expand beyond our current boundaries; allowing us to explore new versions of ourselves and to dig deeper on our values, strengths and what truly motivates us. When a goal ignites a rush of excitement and nerves - when we question whether we are being delusional - classify it a winner.

  2. Filter the feedback - being discerning with which feedback we take on is an absolute must. We cannot just take every piece of feedback that comes our way and expect it to be valuable. If we do, it leads to shape-shifting and people-pleasing; the two red flags to authenticity. Some feedback is based on other's unconscious bias', personal limitations and narrow perspectives on what's possible. Only the feedback that aligns with our goals and values is worth our time and attention. When we filter out the noise, we zone in on the useful information that leads us closer to our goal, we remain focused and we activate our opportunities of growth.

  3. Commit to persistence - what we don't want always turns up before what we do want - yet so many people give up right before the prize shows up. We must not let results that aren't it, stop us from going after what is it. It's not easy to stay the course - the power is in accepting that it won't always be easy - that it's not meant to be. The discomforts, challenges, ups and downs are all part of accessing the truth of our inner power. We will be amazed at how much we can accomplish when we refuse to quit.

When we know who we are, we become fear-facing leaders – we are not afraid to go where we’ve never been before - to push beyond our comfort zone - because we know that’s where all our answers are.

When we as leaders know the truth of who we are, we realise our purpose to help the world in our own unique, extraordinary way.

If you have set a big fucking goal and need a coach to help you access your divine power, let's start today. Book your complimentary discovery call with me - share where you're at now and where you want to be, and I'll fill you in on how I can help you get there.


The Art of Saying No.