48 Hours To Action.

The Science Behind the Importance of Taking Action Quickly


The most successful leaders in the world have one thing in common - they take action -  because they know that without action, there is no re-action. Therefore, nothing changes.

Action is vital for our growth; it builds self-belief and kills fear, it expands our confidence and self-image and allows us to achieve things we would never have thought possible.

Inaction does the opposite; it drags us down, stifles growth, and lowers self-worth and self -esteem.

Procrastination is one culprit that can live in-between action and inaction. It slows momentum down and overwhelms us with tasks that create fear and anxiety.

But did you know that scientific studies have shown that taking action within 48 hours can beat procrastination at its own game?

Taking action is a dopamine boost

Studies reveal that our brain releases dopamine, a pleasure and motivation-inducing chemical, when we make a decision. However, this dopamine surge is short-lived, and delaying action beyond 48 hours can decrease motivation levels.

I hear you say, "But, Polly, I'm not ready". Well, my friend, “getting ready” is a stalling tactic.

If you wait till you get it perfect, you will never get it. Besides, it's never going to be the right time if you're moving out of your current programming.

You can only act in the now.

You don’t prepare for a quantum leap, you make it and you fine tune it along the way.
First you act, then you frame out the details of your strategy.

So, the longer we wait to take action after making the decision, the quicker we lose that initial burst of dopamine and motivation kick.

Taking action is a momentum builder

Taking action within 48 hours helps to build momentum. It sends a crystal clear message to the Universe that we are going for this.

Every small step we take creates a chain reaction of positive energy that propels us forward. This snowball effect helps us gain momentum, making it easier to take the next step and the one after that, ultimately leading to the physical manifestation of what was once a "dream" or an "idea".

Action is part of the decision-making process. It's through taking action that new possibilities open up, the "how" reveals itself and the magic of serendipity takes place.

Taking action is a fear and anxiety buster

Fear and anxiety are major villains behind procrastination. The longer we wait, the more time we have to dwell on the egoic thoughts that tell us "I'm not ready", "this won't work out", "I can't do this", "this is a wrong move", "you can't afford this" and so forth, making it even harder to take action.

Our thoughts are strong, they're loud and they want to keep us where we are because it's "safe"; the longer we leave it between decision and action – the more time our current paradigm talks us out of it.

The first decision is usually the best decision - it comes from our gut; unfiltered. The second one is usually the fear kicking in.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that when we take action towards a goal, it can increase our self-efficacy; our belief in our own ability to achieve that goal. This increased self-efficacy leads to greater motivation and a higher likelihood of taking even more action towards our goal, which ultimately brings it to life.

Whenever we make a decision, we have 48 hours to take action towards it, otherwise our current conditioning will talk us out of it, and we’ll remain stuck and frustrated - in the same cycles, living out a predictable future.

"How do I overcome procrastination?", you ask? I've got your back.

Firstly, break down your goals into small, manageable steps to create a clear roadmap.

Secondly, set deadlines and hold yourself accountable to create a sense of urgency.

Lastly, adopt a growth mindset and embrace failure as part of the learning process.

Accountability is powerful when taking action and coaching is great for that. Taking action has to be aggressive, but we must not be aggressive on ourselves. As a coach, I can nurture you through this process and will help you think differently so taking action becomes easier.

Book in your complimentary discovery call with me and let's talk about how we can team up to bring that idea or dream to life.


The Art of Saying No.


Why fear is your friend.